
Getting the Most Out of Your Mambo Site

A Quick Overview of the Bundled Modules

Mambo provides for two types of Modules: Site Modules and Administrator Modules. The difference between the two has to do with where the modules are displayed. Site Modules are displayed on the front end of the site, visible to your visitors. Administrator Modules are visible only when logged into the Administrator system and are primarily intended to make the Admin interface friendlier and more useful. We discuss here only the Site Modules. If you wish to learn more about the Administrator Modules, please visit our Help Site.

Site Modules

  1. Banners: The Banners module will display banners from the Banners component.
  2. Main Menu: This is the module that controls the menu on your site named “Main”.
  3. Latest News: This module shows a list of the most recently published Items.
  4. User Menu: This is the module that controls the menu on your site named “User”.
  5. Other Menu: This is the module that controls the menu on your site named “Other”.
  6. Login Form: This module displays a Username and Password login form.
  7. Syndicate: The Syndicate module will display a link whereby people can syndicate your site contents (typically via RSS).
  8. Statistics: The Statistics module shows information about your server installation and statistics on the web site.
  9. Template Chooser: The Template Chooser module allows a visitor to change the site template on the fly from the front-end via a drop down selection list.
  10. Archive: This module shows a list of the calendar months which contain Archived items.
  11. Sections: The Section module shows a list of all Sections configured in your database.
  12. Related Items: This module displays other Content Items that are related to the Item currently displayed.
  13. Wrapper: This module will display an iFrame window in a specified location.
  14. Polls: This module compliments the Polls component. It is used to display the Polls.
  15. Who’s Online: The Who’s Online module displays the number of users that are currently accessing the web site.
  16. Random Image: This module displays a random image from a directory.
  17. Newsflash: The Newsflash module randomly selects one of the published items from a category upon each page refresh.
  18. Popular: This module shows a list of the currently published Items that have been viewed the most.
  19. Top Menu: This is the module that controls the menu on your site named “Top”.
  20. Search: This module will display a search box.