Sun Valley Ski Resort/Lodging and Fine Dining is a Special Place to go (3/06)
If spectacular skiing, great food, a relaxed
atmosphere and convenience when traveling is important
to you, then book your next skiing vacation to the Sun
Valley Lodge in Sun Valley, Idaho. It can't get much
easier or stress free than this place. You fly intoHailey airport and there is a bus waiting for you.
Twenty minutes later you’ll be checking into your room.
The next morning when it’s time to ski, justwalk out to the front of the lodge and catch anothervery reliable bus to spectacular Baldy Mountain. Youcan be riding your first chair lift of the day 15minutes later. You absolutely do not have to rent a
car when arriving to this resort. They have such
impressive “door to door” service that you barely needto walk let alone drive. The lack of walking will
really come in handy after your first few days ofskiing because the runs on Baldy Mountain can makeyour legs burn! The runs seem to last forever!
For beginning skiers there is the gentle treeless
slopes of Dollar Mountain. It's perfect if you arejust learning to ski or snowboard and it has the bestteaching professionals in the world there. If you are abeginning skier on Baldy the mountain can be a bitintimidating. The “green runs” are well groomed, butway steeper than most. The mountain just can’t help
itself. It’s over 3,400 vertical feet from the top to
the bottom and after a full day of skiing it’s not outof the question to log 50,000 vertical feet or more!This is an intermediate to advanced skiers paradise.There is such a selection of runs and terrain that youcan ski the entire day and not get to everything.With this said, though, the mountain doesn’t have amassive feel to it like you’re not sure where you are.Everything is well mapped out and even though it’s alarge mountain it still has a way of feeling veryintimate.
Mid week in early March with some of the best snow ina decade on Baldy, the crowds were non existent. How
great is it to ski down a mountain and hop on thefirst chair that’s available?! Not once, at any chairlift, was the wait over one minute. This is a type of
place where you can come for a half day and still geta ton of skiing in.
If you need to rest and refuel their are some greatspots on top of the mountain with spectacular views.The Lookout Restaurant and the Seattle Ridge Day Lodgeare both sitting pretty at about 9000 feet with sunfilled decks that look out in all directions. What
great places to recharge your battery before taking onthese long, exhilarating runs again.
After a great day of skiing powder filled bowls orbeautifully long groomed runs there will be a buswaiting for you to take you back to the Sun ValleyLodge. The Lodge has everything you need without
needing to go anywhere else. Nothing feels better
after a great day of skiing than soaking in the big,round, outdoor pool that is kept around 104 degrees.Without fail, every day around sunset, two snow owlswould begin to speak to each other from differenttrees. Their gentle “wooing” just added to the
splendor of the surroundings.
At this point you should be ready for a great meal.The good news is you don’t have to go further than thelodge itself. The Lodge Dining Room is a beautifully
decorated romantic atmosphere with big booths andplenty of space. A three piece band plays lightly in
the corner to make your dinning experience that muchmore enjoyable. If you like a real Caesars Salad made
right at your table, this is the place to get it. The
dressing is all prepared freshly in front of you soyou can add or subtract ingredients such as anchoviesif you don’t desire the taste. We had it with the
works and it was simply amazing. Great entree choices
include fare which you don’t get a chance to try at
many places like the famous baked Idaho Trout or freshElk. The Elk was tender and cooked to perfection with
a dark berry sauce. If there is any room left for
dessert, the Bananas Foster is a fiery delight. It’s
rich, delicious and will probably fuel your next halfday of skiing.
There is plenty of ways to work off a meal at the SunValley Lodge. There is an outdoor skating rink that
is maintained and operational all year round. It’squite an experience to be skating while a light andgentle snow falls from the sky. There is a gym, saunaand even a bowling alley right on the premises.
Another great restaurant within a very short walk ofthe main lodge is The Ram. The Ram has a wooden
interior like a cozy meat and potatoes type lodge, butit is actually a French Bistro. Most of the staff is
French along with the gourmet chefs. Starters includea big pot of heated cheese fondue in which you dipbread with long metal dipping spears. Just when you
think you are not going to dip another piece of bread,you dip about ten more because it is so good. Entrees
include a roasted Seabass over green lentil ragout andtruffle essence. It’s rich, buttery and melts in your
mouth. Other fish include the famous Idaho Ruby Trout
or the Noisette de Thon which is roasted Ahi tuna withsweet potato puree and an amazing sauce made withchives, tiny chopped tomatoes, and calamata olives.The nearby quaint little town of Ketchum is worth someexploring and is easily accessible by bus and by foot.There are plenty of great restaurants and pubs toquench your thirst. You officially have not been to
Ketchum if you haven’t eaten at the Pioneer Saloon.It’s a down home saloon where everyone knows everyone.Even if you don’t know anyone it will feel like youdo. This place brings new meaning to the term “meat
and potatoes”. You really haven’t experienced “meat
and potatoes” until you’ve experienced the PioneerSaloon. The Pioneer Cut of prime rib is a massive
slab of meat that is roasted and then quickly grilledon both sides to give it a smokey taste. It’s unique
to any prime rib you’ve had in the past and highly recommended.The world famous baked Idaho potatois the size of a football and unless you arerunning in two marathons the next day it is
recommended to get a half order. Kudos to you if you
can finish a half of potato. I’m curious if anyone
knows what’s served for dessert in this fineestablishment. I don’t know if anyone has got that
far. I’m sure the mud pie is delicious.
I found the Sun Valley area to be very down to earthand friendly. It seemed like there was always someone
starting up a conversation around the pool, restaurantor going up a chair lift. It’s a place to relax and
have a good time skiing with your best friends. There
is a half pipe at Baldy for the snow boarders and it’sa great place to snowboard. but you don’t see teems ofyoung snow boarders tearing down the mountain. It feltvery safe and respectful on the mountain. It’s
definitely a skier’s mountain. People are proud about
their skiing here and rightly so. The first chair
lift in the world was installed right there on DollarMountain in 1936, chosen over many different placesbecause of it’s perfect environment for skiing.
The Sun Valley area has a long tradition of attractingcelebrities and people from all over the world.People that I had talked to had been coming back tothe Lodge and the mountains year after year. It was
not unusual to talk to someone that had been comingback every year for the last 30 years. After spending
some time at this resort and these mountains it waseasy to see why. It’s relaxing, people are friendly,
it’s some of the best skiing in the entire world andthere are great restaurants. It’s a very special place.
More information at their great website at