Renee Harris Energetic, Spiritual Hip Hop Dance Troup at UCLA – August 7th, 2003
Renee Harris Energetic, Spiritual Hip Hop Dance Troup at UCLA.
The Renee Harris Hip Hop Dance Troup blended an array of great dancers with fluidity, precision, expertise and rythym at their recent performances at the Freud Playhouse on the UCLA Campus in Westwood. His company was founded in 1992, and continues with public performances, workshops, classes, Hip-Hop lectures & demonstrations long term residencies, and mentoring programs.
Renee Harris is an Artistic Director, Choregrapher, and Director of his Shows and well versed in all of Hip Hop, Break & House Dancing. Renee, raised in Philadelphia, started with social dances and now has emerges his acts to concert stage performing. His latest work which his troup performed at UCLA was titled "Facing Mekka".
This Program consisted of a mix of african, brazilian, hip hop and acrobatic movements. Since hip hop is derived from the origins of african dance the movements are similar. African style dance has an organic, grounded soulful feeling while hip hop gives the dance a more modern and upbeat touch. The strength in the company lies in the ability to mix beats from Africa with live drumming and singing with a hip hop beat. One of the hi-lights of the show was the voice transcending sounds of a mix of musical instruments. The dancers performance showed a variety of slow moving modern movements of his cast of 17, 3 vocalists, 3 DJ’s live percussion and a recorded sound score.
The variations blended together attributing to a well rounded, heart felt, upbeat performance. Be sure to catch this great group next time you see them playing in your area. They were a pick of the week when they recently visited LA and lived up to their reputation in this Energetic, African- Spiritual performance.
For more information on Renee Harris, please go to For future Dance Performances and Events at UCLA, please call the ticket office at