The BirthPlace at Santa Monica-UCLA and Baby Birth Classes/Info (4/09)
My husband and I were greatly educated by a couple of the classes offered at Santa Monica UCLA. The Childbirth class taught by Connie O’Neil was very knowledgeable. This class is 4 weeks long and encompasses great preparation for labor and birth. The class features videos (on Natural and Cesarean births), an informative book called “Prepared Childbirth, The Family Way” by Debby Amis and Jeanne Green and everything you need to know about Santa Monica UCLA Hospital. Connie goes over what to bring, how to prepare and all about contractions and when you should go to the hospital. This was an invaluable course that will teach couples many answers to questions they don’t know. Connie is very specific and patient with all of her experience. She is open to any questions to help couples along the way. All classes include a session of exercises in breathing and relaxation the second part of the class, which is very important for all expectant mothers to know and fathers for support.
The other incredible class we took was the Infant CPR class. While this class was just one night, it was most useful. We were very impressed as there were 2 younger adult nurses teaching the class but they were fantastic. Not only that, they went over all types of CPR for adults, children and infants. It was a great overview and extremely important to learn. It was hands on as well as everyone was given a plastic baby and tissue to use when practicing giving CPR. We leaned all the techniques and New ways to give compressions and potentially help save someone’s life if need be. The last part of the class was dedicated to helping someone if they are choking. We learned the Heimlich maneuver among what else to do in case of emergency. Two informative books are available (One is all about CPR and the other about First Aid).
The BirthPlace / Educational Programs
The months, weeks and days preceding your baby’s birth will be an exciting, joyful time filled with many physical and emotional changes. This is a natural time for you to learn more about pregnancy, childbirth and parenting.
The BirthPlace at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center and Orthopaedic Hospital offers a comprehensive educational program to help improve your birthing experience and ease your transition to parenthood. Our program includes a variety of prenatal and postpartum classes for you, your partner or support person, your other children, grandparents and/or other relatives. Topics include childbirth preparation, breast-feeding, baby care, infant CPR and safety, sibling preparation and parenting support. This insert contains an overview of our classes. Unless otherwise indicated, the classes require registration. <!–[endif]–>To register or for additional information, call our BirthPlace Office at (310) 319-4947 or visit
Having A Baby at The BirthPlace
This overview of The BirthPlace guides you and your partner from admission to discharge and includes a tour of our maternity facilities. Discussion focuses on educational classes, delivery options, special services and family participation.
You are encouraged to attend one of these FREE sessions during your second trimester of pregnancy. Private tours can be arranged for a nominal fee.
Breast-feeding Class
Health professionals agree that breast-feeding newborns is healthier than bottle-feeding them. Additionally, many new mothers opt to breast-feed because it helps foster bonds between them and their newborns.
The BirthPlace offers a specific class on breast-feeding to help you master this important skill. Certified lactation consultants who are knowledgeable about all aspects of breast-feeding teach our class. They cover anatomy and physiology of the breast, nursing positions and effective techniques. Additional topics include nutrition, nipple care, breast pumps, nursing equipment and storage of breast milk.
We encourage partners to attend the class because those who understand breast-feeding concepts and techniques provide better support and understanding.
We recommend you take this class during your last trimester of pregnancy.
Childbirth Preparation
This eight-hour course (four evenings or two weekend afternoons) provides an overview of the labor and delivery process, including 1) beginning labor signs; 2) the different stages; 3) when to leave for the hospital; and 4) what to expect throughout the birthing experience.
The course features both discussion and practice of pain/stress management techniques (breathing, relaxation, positioning, attention-focusing), along with helpful comfort measures. Labor partners are taught proven strategies for physical and emotional support. Medication options, medical intervention and Cesarean births are also covered.
Expectant parents gain vital knowledge to improve their communication and support skills, work effectively with caregivers and participate actively to ensure a positive birthing experience. Due to high demand and space limitations, you should register 3 to 4 months BEFORE your due date.
Classes for High-Risk Patients
The BirthPlace also offers Childbirth Preparation classes or related education to high-risk maternity patients being treated for pre-term labor in our Antepartum Unit. With your physicians approval, you may be able to attend regular classes or, if not, at least view tapes covering childbirth instruction. Referrals to instructors for private classes at home or in the hospital also can be provided. Contact our BirthPlace Office for details.
Bradley Childbirth
The Bradley method actively promotes natural childbirth as a safe method for both mother and baby. Participants focus inward, work with their bodies and use natural breathing and deep-relaxation techniques during labor. Partners are encouraged to assume active roles.
Our Bradley class emphasizes being an informed consumer and stresses positive communication with your medical team. Topics covered include exercise, nutrition, breast-feeding, newborn care and consumer issues. Several birth films are shown.
We encourage couples to take this course at the beginning of their second trimester of pregnancy. A Bradley refresher course also is available.
This eight-hour workshop, taught by Smart Beginnings, helps couples learn to birth mindfully through hypnosis, imagery and aromatherapy. The class is held in a peaceful, natural setting and covers all birthing modalities. Meditation and therapeutic touch are included in the class content. Participants receive a healthy lunch and music to use during the birthing process.
Cesarean-Section Class
This class helps prepare expectant parents for a scheduled C-section, explaining the delivery procedure, comfort measures, postpartum stay and related issues.
Expectant parents are encouraged to take this class during their last trimester of pregnancy.
Infant CPR and Baby Safety
This class teaches basic life-support, infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the Heimlich maneuver for obstructed airway. Other topics include car-seat safety, poison prevention and baby-proofing your home.
Please register for this class at least two months before your due date. The class also can be taken after your childs birth. Parents of babies in our NICU are offered this class at no charge and encouraged to register as soon as possible.
Baby Care Class
Good baby care begins with your love and concern. Beyond that, however, you need some technical training and hands-on experience. Our class will teach you everything from holding your baby to care of the umbilical cord and circumcision. The importance of sleep, exercise, fresh air and sunlight to your baby’s growth and development are discussed, as are topics such as diapering, bathing, feeding and dressing your baby. The class also examines the messages of crying.
Other topics include weight gain, teething, immunizations, preventive health care and preparation of a layette. The class also covers baby-proofing your home, child passenger safety and the importance of cuddling and touching.
This class is ideal for expectant mothers and partners, caregivers and older siblings. We recommend taking this class during your second or third trimester.
Sibling Preparation
Expectant parents are not the only ones who must make adjustments for a new arrival. Brothers- and sisters-to-be also have special needs during this time and may feel neglected during the excitement over a new addition to the family. That’s why The BirthPlace offers a special class just for siblings.
Designed for youngsters ages 3 to 8, our Sibling Preparation class includes a tour of our birthing facilities so siblings can see firsthand where mom and baby will stay and know what to expect during their hospital visits. The class also teaches them the practical side of becoming a big brother or sister. Through the use of dolls, siblings learn how to hold a baby, wrap a baby in a blanket and change a diaper. More importantly, however, the class helps prepare them for many of the natural changes that occur once a new brother or sister comes home.
We encourage you to register your child at least two months before your due date.
Mother-Infant Support Group
New mothers and their babies gather weekly at The BirthPlace for education, observation and discussion. These gatherings provide mothers with opportunities to ask questions and discuss concerns about baby care, feeding, sleeping, normal growth and development. Gatherings also provide a setting to observe differences in babies and parenting styles. Mothers can share the impact of parenting on their personal lives, careers and relationships, and are encouraged to form a mutual support network once the gatherings have ended.
Parenting Your Toddler
Designed for parents of children ages 18 months to 3 years old, this workshop provides knowledge of the unique developmental changes that occur during the toddler stage. Parents learn strategies for working with challenging behaviors, as well as approaches for building good communication and emotional understanding with their toddlers.
Schedule of Educational Classes
To register for all classes, call our BirthPlace Office at (310) 319-4947. The class prices listed below are for expectant parents delivering at our hospital. PLEASE NOTE THAT RATES ARE HIGHER IF DELIVERING AT ANOTHER FACILITY.
Having a Baby at The BirthPlace (Orientation, tour)
Call The BirthPlace for an updated schedule. Each session runs approximately 75 minutes. Reservations needed. No charge. Nominal fee for private tours.
Breast-Feeding Class
Third Wednesday of every month, excluding holidays. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Cost: $55 per couple.
Childbirth Preparation
Four classes per regular session. Two sessions for accelerated class. Call The BirthPlace Office for an updated schedule. Due to limited space, please register three to four months before your due date.
Tuesdays: 7 to 9 p.m.
Wednesdays: 7 to 9 p.m.
Saturdays: 1 to 5 p.m. (accelerated class)
Sundays: 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (accelerated class)
Cost: $140 per couple / $150 for accelerated class
Combined Lamaze and Breast-feeding
Tuesdays and Wednesdays only: 7 to 9 p.m. Cost: $180
Lamaze Refresher
Call The BirthPlace for dates and times. Cost: $95
Cesarean-Section Class
Call The BirthPlace for dates and times. Cost: $95
Vaginal Birth After C-Section (VBAC)
Call The BirthPlace for dates and times. Cost: $95
Bradley Childbirth
Eight classes per session. Mondays, 7 to 9 p.m.
Cost: $175 per couple. For information about the Bradley Refresher class, call The BirthPlace.
Saturdays: 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Cost: $250 per couple.
Infant CPR & Baby Safety
One Thursday each month: 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. One Saturday each month: 9 a.m. to noon
Cost: $35 per person / $60 per couple. Please register two to three months before your due date. Bring $5 to class for instruction booklet.
Sibling Preparation (children 3 to 8)
Fourth Saturday of every month (excluding holidays):
9:30 to 11 a.m. Cost: $35 / $10 for each additional sibling.
Baby Care Class
One Saturday each month: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Cost: $80 per couple.
Mother-Infant Support Group
Four sessions per series. Call for dates, times and locations.
Cost: $75
Parenting Your Toddler
One Sunday afternoon every other month. Cost: $30.
To register for all classes, call The BirthPlace Office at (310) 319-4947 or visit Our BirthPlace staff also can provide referrals to other prenatal, parenting or pregnancy exercise classes offered in the community. Prices may change. Please confirm cost with The BirthPlace Office. Expectant parents can register online, if they prefer