Bon Appetite Wine & Food Festival for MakeAWish Foundation – October 14th, 2003
The Universal Studios backlot was the perfect venue on a hot October day, 2003 (who said summer is over?) to experience a sensory overload (of the very PLEASURABLE kind) known as the annual Bon Appetit wine and food FUN-raiser — benefiting the MakeAWish Foundation.
Was there a lot of food? Yes, and very high quality (Spago, Michael’s, and other top eateries) as well as wide variety (everything from wild elk, to salmon skewers, and shrimp, and desserts, to GOYA fruit smoothies, Dr Bob’s incredible ice cream, and even chocolate-or-caramel liqueur drinks). Add in dozens of wineries pouring, and fine live music, and you have the recipe for a perfect event.
Guests were even able to sit in a mini-theatre to watch previews of (what else) upcoming Universal movies (Cat In The Hat, anyone?). Plus, there were raffles for great prizes, and a game of golf (ok, just a mini putting green) to win still MORE prizes. Nailing a putt after a few Chambord cocktails can bring out the inner Tiger Woods in anyone.
OVERALL EVENT RATING: 4.5 out of 5.Highly recommended.
OTHER NOTES: GO next year!Should be even more for 2004.