Mountain High, only 90 minutes from Los Angeles for a great Ski day (12/03)
Looking for a day to go skiing near the Los Angeles area, check out Mountain High.
Only 90 minutes away from the Los Angeles area, Mountain High is probably the best answer to a skier or snowboarder of any level in need of a quick fix. This is probably the closest and most diverse mountain to the LA region.
Even the day after a rainy day, half of the mountain was already open thanks to the artificial snow cannons (beware, protecting your face while skiing through these might be a good idea). Best times to go maybe are towards February or March or you can encounter bad or cold weather like we did on our recent visit. To maximize your visit, check first to see how much of the mountain and lifts are open as it is advantageous to go when the resort is in full force.
According to the presence of the many of them, Mountain High certainly is a resort much appreciated by the snowboard-equipped youth.
A large variety of foods is available at the bottom of the main slope.
To properly plan your day or vacation, visit the very complete and well-organized web site or call
Only 90 minutes away from the Los Angeles area, Mountain High is probably the best answer to a skier or snowboarder of any level in need of a quick fix. This is probably the closest and most diverse mountain to the LA region.
Even the day after a rainy day, half of the mountain was already open thanks to the artificial snow cannons (beware, protecting your face while skiing through these might be a good idea). Best times to go maybe are towards February or March or you can encounter bad or cold weather like we did on our recent visit.
To maximize your visit, check first to see how much of the mountain and lifts are open as it is advantageous to go when the resort is in full force. According to the presence of the many of them, Mountain High certainly is a resort much appreciated by the snowboard-equipped youth. A large variety of foods is available at the bottom of the main slope. To properly plan your day or vacation, visit the very complete and well-organized web site or call 888-754-7878 for forecast info and much more.